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Dustaway Cleaning Services

Two sessions of three-hour general cleaning for $120 and more
Subscribers only

Expiry Date: 15 November 2024 11:59pm

Since 2019, Dustaway Services has established itself as a local brand catering to all home owner’ cleaning needs. Specialising in delivering clean and comfortable homes, Dustaway offers a range of deep cleaning services, such as post-renovation cleaning, tenancy cleaning, mattress and upholstery cleaning, and disinfection. What distinguishes Dustaway is its steadfast dedication to providing excellent customer service. Clients opting for Dustaway can depend on a trouble-free booking process and a guarantee of satisfaction.

From now till Nov 15, SPH Media subscribers can enjoy these following deals at Dustaway:

Enjoy two sessions of three-hour general cleaning for $120 (for first timers only)
Receive $10 off for every $150 spent on mattress cleaning
Enjoy minimum $35 off with every booking of Post-Renovation/Tenancy Cleaning
Enjoy 10% off Vinyl Floor Cleaning and Disinfection Services

Take note that a prior booking is required in order to enjoy the promotion. Please quote the above promo code when making the booking. Do note that this promotion and other discounts may not be used in conjunction with one another.

To redeem the promo code, click on the button above.

自2019年以来,Dustaway Services一直是满足家庭清洁需求的本土品牌。Dustaway Services专注于为公众提供干净舒适的居家环境,同时提供深度清洁服务,包括装修后清洁、租赁清洁、床垫和室内装潢清洁以及消毒等。

Dustaway Services即日起为 SPH Media 订户提供四项清洁优惠:

以 120元的优惠价享受两次三小时的一般清洁服务(仅限首次消费者);
每消费 150元床垫清洁服务,即可获得 10元减价;
每次预订装修后或租赁清洁服务,即可享受 35元或以上的减价;
乙烯基地板清洁和消毒服务享有 10% 的折扣。

即日起至2024年11月15日,SPH Media 订户只需在付款时引用联合独家促销代码(点击以上按钮获取),即可享受此四项优惠。
